What’s The Best Direction For Solar Panels To Face In Australia?

by | May 2, 2022

Solar energy companies

When looking to install solar panels for your home or business, it’s important to consider the direction they will face in order to maximise sunlight over the course of the day.

The most efficient way to determine the perfect orientation is to contact Solar System for a free solar assessment. As one of the leading solar companies in Sydney, our professional assessors will assist you in finding the perfect system for your home.

To provide a baseline, we’ve broken down the benefits of each cardinal direction to help you choose the best solar system for you.

Why direction matters:

When installing solar systems you may assume that you just need the highest amount of solar power possible. However, many solar energy companies will tell you that optimal solar gain is affected by more than direct sunlight.

Depending on the energy company, electricity costs may vary depending on whether it’s a flat or variable rate. With variable pricing, the cost of electricity will change over the course of the day or the year. Facing panels in certain directions can allow you to effectively utilise solar energy during peak times, potentially lowering your power bills.

For flat rates, you may simply wish to install panels in the direction providing the highest sun exposure throughout the day, especially when combined with a solar battery.

For more information or an obligation-free solar assessment from one of Australia’s leading solar energy companies, contact Solar System.

North-facing panels:

Since Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun tends to move to the north during the day. As a result, north-facing panels will provide the highest energy output.

While north-facing panels may receive maximum sunlight, they might not be the perfect choice for your home. Your rooftop may not face directly north or could be blocked by larger trees or other buildings. If this is the case, it’s important to consider a mix of panel directions including northwest and northeast.

This can combine the efficiency of direct sun exposure with the focused morning/afternoon peaks offered by east- and west-facing panels.

East-facing panels:

Orienting solar panels to the east takes advantage of solar energy in the morning. This is ideal for households who can make the most of their energy in the earlier hours or who may be away from home in the afternoon. As an added bonus, east-facing panels can help avoid peak energy rates.

West-facing panels:

The inverse of east-facing, west-facing solar panels provide maximum solar output in the afternoon. This is optimal for those who tend to be away from home in the morning, making full use of solar energy as it’s collected by the panels.

Depending on how energy is used throughout the day, a west-facing panel could be the ideal choice. However, this option should be discussed with the highly-trained assessors and solar panel installers at Solar System.

South-facing panels:

South-facing panels in Australia generate the lowest solar yield. These panels can still be viable for your system, especially if there are obstructions blocking sunlight in other directions. However, it may not be the best solution for maximising solar energy and investment. Contact your local solar energy installer for more information.